5 Exercises to Increase Activity on Glutes and Quads

Here are 5 common unilateral exercises that have been found to have increased EMG activities for the Quads and the Glutes, especially for those training to RUN BETTER or HIKE BETTER.

1. WALL SQUATS (WS) - definitely great for quads and qlutes and one of my personal favorites to give patients to build endurance in walking uphill, hiking, and running.

2. MINI-SQUATS (MS) - not quite a full squat, make sure you are close by a wall or some form of stable support.
3. FORWARD STEP UPS (FSU) - Choose the height of your step for this one. I typically recommend the height of a typical gym bench, but a lower step will do if you're recovering from an injury and gradually training up.

4. LATERAL STEP UPS (LSU) - This exercise was built for lateral stability and strength.

5. RETRO-STEP UPS (RSU) - This is one of the exercises that I give for climbers or hikers with lower back pain, instability of the posterior segments like the pelvis, and just facilitating the hamstring muscles.


  1. I definitely needed these for my glutes! I just seem to have so much trouble activating them for some reason. Hamstrings too... leg curls are pretty much the only thing I've really been able to hit those with it seems.

    Danielle | Wandsworth Physiotherapy


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